

Weatherboard is an excellent choice of exterior for your home as they cool quickly, they provide a lot flexibility when it comes to ground and soil movement, and they can be the best environmentally friendly option.



What are weatherboards? Weatherboards are made from timber (or reconstituted hardwood), vinyl or fibre-cement that be painted or stained to any colour or accent you desire. Timber is usually the easier and cheapest to install, while fibre-cement can cost up to triple the amount.



What is weatherboard cladding? Cladding is the practice of layering one material over another to provide thermal insulation and protection against weather. Cladding Weatherboards is a cost-effective way to rejuvenate a home. Choosing the right type of cladding will involve considering your location’s temperature and weather conditions, your ability to maintain upkeep, and the design and style of the house.



Choosing the right paint colours is easier said than done with so many things to consider - so if you want to be safe - go with a neutral colour palette - however, a splash of colour never hurt anyone!



The colours you see before you in the image above are from Haymes Paints Colorbond range which has some amazingly rich colours! Remember that you can tailor any colour from PaintRight to your liking – so get creative!



For more direction, speak to a member of the Paint Right team and you’ll have the best house on the best street in no-time.


If you still haven’t got your Weatherboard fix – look at these other blogs on weatherboard!