
Get the Look: Mid-Century (Interior Design) Styling

Mid-century interior design is a style that continues to be popular in 2023, offering a sleek and stylish look to any space. This style is characterised by its clean lines, simple forms, and innovative use of materials, and it takes inspiration from the design movement of the mid-20th century. If you're looking for a design style that is both modern and timeless, mid-century interior design is the perfect choice for you.


One of the key features of mid-century interior design is its use of clean lines and simple forms. Furniture and accessories are often characterised by their sleek and minimalist design, creating a modern and sophisticated look in the space. Mid-century design also often features organic curves and shapes, adding a touch of softness to the space, while still maintaining its clean and modern aesthetic.



Another hallmark of mid-century interior design is its use of natural materials, such as wood and leather. These materials are often left in their natural state, creating a warm and inviting look in the space. Wood is often used for furniture and accessories, such as coffee tables and armchairs, while leather is often used for upholstery and seating.


Lighting is also an important aspect of mid-century interior design, and lighting fixtures are often a focal point in any space. Mid-century lamps and chandeliers, with sleek and simple forms, are a popular choice, as they add a touch of sophistication to the space. Floor lamps, with their tall and slender forms, are also a popular choice, as they create a bold and modern look.



Colour is another important aspect of mid-century interior design, and this style often features a neutral colour palette, with shades of white, black, and grey. Bold, accent colours, such as yellow, blue, and green, are also used, adding a pop of colour to the space, while still maintaining its clean and modern aesthetic.


In conclusion, mid-century interior design is a style that continues to be popular in 2023, offering a sleek and stylish look to any space. With its use of clean lines, simple forms, natural materials, and bold accent colours, mid-century interior design creates spaces that are both modern and timeless. Whether you're looking to create a chic and sophisticated living room or a modern office space, mid-century interior design is the perfect style for you.